Productive weekend

We rented a skid steer this weekend to clean up the manure pile behind the barn.  Our oldest son operated it, while hubby drove the tractor and spread the manure.

The other boys helped by gathering up barbwire, cleaning up falling down fence planks and posts.  Nice to have strapping young men to help do the work. 🙂  It was a beautiful day but still very wet from all the rain. Thankfully the mosquitoes aren’t out yet! We ended the day with a BBQ supper.  It felt good when I finally put my head on my pillow.



Here’s a sign of spring!  Flying 16 year olds! 😆  Despite his injury a week ago that sent us to the emergency room, he is obviously recovering quite well.  He also celebrated his 16th birthday this week and received his photo ID for his drivers license in the mail the same day.  I’m proud and sad at the same time.  Proud of his accomplishments and sad to see him not so little anymore. I’ll jump on the trampoline but you won’t catch me upside down!

Happy Birthday Daddy.

Today would have been dad’s 79th birthday. I miss him soooooo much. Pictures of him bring a tear to my eye.  Even though he didn’t raise us kids on a farm, he grew up on a farm himself. I loved talking to him about the chickens and the garden.  He was always interested in what I was doing around the farm and was willing to lend a hand or just advice.

Thank-you to my Aunty for the pictures.  Happy Birthday Daddy!  I love you and miss you!  I’ll see you again.

Love Margy

The chalkboard

We have a chalkboard on the top of our fridge for leaving messages to each other.  Usually it reads “Be home soon” or “Supper is in the crockpot”.  We haven’t left a note in a while and the other day it struck me to write a message to my family.  I didn’t expect a response so I’m leaving it for a while. 😉



Busy few days

Normally I am home, doing my thing around the house.  The last two days have been a bit different.

lunchYesterday I picked up my oldest son and we went into the city to meet my Mom, brother and aunt and uncle for lunch (Hi! Aunty! <she reads my blog>). That was a lot of fun. So good to see them as usual.  Aunty gave me a disc of pictures that are awesome!  Some of Dad before he passed away, those made me cry. And some really old black and white ones of Mom when she was young and some of grandpa. Very cool. I enjoyed them a lot. I hope to share some of them with you in the near future.

This morning my hubby couldn’t get his car started so he took my van to work.  My youngest son had a dentist appt and I wasn’t sure how I was going to get him there but when I went out to try hubby’s car, it started! Go figure. Crisis averted! 😆  We got to his appt fine then I took him to school for the afternoon.  I stopped at the grocery store before leaving town.

I didn’t get the goats and chickens fed until almost 2:00 this afternoon! I brought in firewood, and stoked up the fire before the house got too cold.  The day turned out much nicer weather-wise than predicted which I am sooooo thankful for!  After the start we had this morning, the day didn’t turn out so bad after all.

Happy Friday!  I’m so glad it’s Friday…